Tuesday 17 April 2012

Bersih 3.0

As far as I know, Malaysian students who are under age are not suppose to be involved in elections. How does the Bersih riot helps the people or the government? Well, its simple, it makes Malaysia's position not in a better place. It looks ridiculous when people start doing this riots. Gives bad name and bad image for the tourist that comes to visit Malaysia. Lets get to my point here about the under age students. Under age students aren't suppose to get involved with election BUT they are most of the people that were included in the Bersih Raly. Don't you see this as a big issue here? The parties who are responsible for this clearly manipulated the minds of the students because of what they know and what they don't. Politics is something which is very complicating. You don't know which party is doing the right thing and which party is not. AND I believe, parties which are involved in this are clearly taking advantages for example the idea of giving the students who are under age a chance to vote. Students are students! Their job is just to STUDY and have a good life. Not this way! Leave a comment and I will discuss with each and everyone of you. Have a nice day.


  1. A students job is to learn, sure - but that doesn't mean only your books! There are many other issues in life that are not found in textbooks (at least definitely not Malaysian textbooks). Most students are smart enough to think for themselves - they can decide for themselves if they want a corrupted country or not! In other countries, 18 is the minimum age for voting. If you can marry and raise kids at 18, i think you should also be mature enough to choose who runs your country.

    Actually, I think there is zero awareness amongst our students about their role in the country's future - most are too busy "having a good life" (as you put it) playing computer games, hanging out at mamak stalls, shopping at 1Utama. Don't you think they should be spending their time actually doing something more useful than that? Taking a stand, demanding for fair elections, that's something worth spending a Saturday morning for.

    At the end of the day Bersih is about FAIR elections. Who people vote for is not the deal - but the party voted should be the party that wins. I think that's not something anyone can disagree on!

  2. Hello and welcome to my blog. Well Mr/Ms Chia I would like to conclude that your first paragraph and 2nd paragraph is clearly showing most people out there that you are literally promoting the Bersih rally so that you will be able to see more new faces. I am looking at the 3rd paragraph and I do find some good info's related to my point. But again it is still not convincing.

    Firstly it is about when you said, Fair elections. What do you mean by that. I am also able to tell you that it is not about any party winning. But when it comes to the point of Fair elections, can you at least list me 3-4 evidences that the election isn't fair all these while? During the period whereby Tun Mahathir was the Prime Minister of Malaysia, this issue about Bersih or fair election wasn't even out there. And I don't get why now?

    So, to make it easier for both of us and the viewers out there to understand what is actually happening for now, just list down the 3-4 evidences relating to fair elections. Thank you and have a wonderful day ahead.

    1. Strongly agree with Sugar and Coffee. This issue never happens during the old days.They are shouting for 'Clean & Fair Elections' but yet still fail to provide the evidence. All we can hear everytime election are 'Pengundi Hantu'. Well if "Pengundi Hantu' do exist how come the Oppositions still can win over Selangor, Kedah & Penang??Was it the game that the Government try to play??Well if it was..It was a really stupid game then..:)

  3. Kenapa seseorang itu menentang sesuatu dasar?bagi saya orang yang menentang adalah orang yang kecewa.Kecewa kerana apa?Mereka kecewa pada diri sendiri. Mereka ini tidak dapat menyesuaikan diri dengan sistem yang sedia ada lalu mencari jalan untuk meletakkan punca ke atas pihak lain. Ini yang terjadi di kebanyakan negara yang ada sekrg.Tp bilangan sebenar mereka ini sgt kecil berbanding dengan mereka yang hidup aman sejahtera dengan sistem yang sedia ada.Penentang-penentang ini amat terdesak dan cuba untuk meracuni pemikiran orang lain utk turut serta dalam kancah permainan mereka maka akan terjadilah ketidakstabilan politik,ekonomi dan sosial. Ini sebenarnya yang mereka nk buktikan..yang manusia bila dalam keadaan yang cemas, tidak stabil & terdesak sanggup berbuat apa saja walaupun terpaksa menggadai maruah bangsa..

  4. Thank you for the honest and more matured way of thinking comment Love Peace. Much appreciated. Have a good day

  5. If our elections really were fair, the latest amendments to the Election Offences Act would have been wholly unnecessary. Do I really need to put out 3-4 ways the system is being cheated? Apart from pengundi hantu, there are also pengundi pendatang from indonesia, bangladesh, pakistan, philippines. There is evidence of postal votes from army camps being automatically filled out on behalf of BN. There have been many many changes in the constituency boundaries to benefit one party. There is blatant bribery of voters by handing out cash immediately before elections especially in rural locations. I guess PR won last time because Abdullah Badawi was a good man and not out to cheat the people. He was sacrificed from UMNO as a result. Stop fooling yourselves, thinking that sucking up to BN will help you in life. Think of the poor ones all around in our country, those who have families and not enough to eat. Natives in Sabah and Sarawak that have been robbed by Taib, in land and living. Our beautiful rainforests all destroyed, only to be sold as timber and converted in palm oil - the money which only goes into the pockets of the lucky few (not you, not the country). The other big projects which only benefit cronies. Billions of ringgit go into the pocket of a few people, while the rest of the country suffer... Don't you want a better country too? Don't you want fairness for everybody? Don't you want equal opportunities for all, and good aid for those who really need it? I think all these points you can agree with me. I don't need any extra help from the country for my career and life - but I see many who are suffering and not reaching their full potential within KL and outside. Students included, who only live the life they are told to live, brainwashed by cybercafe lifestyles and cannot even think about learning about the world outside. This is why they should be given full rights to learn about how a country is run, and full rights to be able to influence the future of a country they and their future generations will be living in. Malaysia can be really great. Think clearly, don't be a sheep, you yourself can clearly see the truth. Thanks.

  6. One more point. Back in the days of Mahathir, we only knew what our local newspapers (BN-controlled) told us. Today, or since the last 5 years especially, more people have had internet access, more people have had access to knowledge they previously didn't. How else can we know about the corruption taking place if we only had Utusan and The Star for information? How else can we in the peninsular know about the extent of rainforest plundering if not for Google Earth Satellite images!
    Look at Egypt. They have had a dictatorship for decades. Why are people uprising only now? Because people have become educated, they have access to knowledge. With knowledge out, you can't fool an entire country anymore. So it's not that Egypt only "suddenly" had a dictatorship. It's not that Malaysia always had fair elections. People finally have a voice, people finally have more conviction than fear. we Malaysians are more desperate than ever to see our country grow and succeed that we are willing to take a physical beating and go through tear gas and chemical-laced water, just to ask for fair elections. We might not even get justice, but we are now brave enough to ask for it.

  7. Well, I am still not convinced. About the money part for the country, poor people with family and so on, it isn't fair if they don't work hard. From what I know, if you were born poor it isn't your fault but if you die poor it is your fault. Why would anyone wait for the opportunity to come to them instead of going after the opportunities. You can't blame the government for everything. If you think about it, government's money from tax are not supposedly to be given around to the citizens. It is used for development since Malaysia isn't a country which is not fully developed yet. In this part related to money issue or whatsoever, DON't Be LAZY. Don't just sit there hoping for someone to come to you and suddenly gives you RM100,000. That is not going to happen.Egypt is a different case. So what you mean't is that people those days aren't educated? even 5 years back? No internet access? People are too shallow? Is that what you meant? People don't get enough of what they have.

    If you think about it the Prime Minister is trying his best to make people like him. Just because certain people doesn't like him this is not the way this is supposed to be done. During Tun Mahathir's time, which of cause they have internet access and so on, people are also educated, nothing happened. No one was opposing him.

    Besides, getting physical beating and going through tear gas is really what uneducated people would do. You people are acting as this is a war and making other countries as well think so while we already are independent as a country.

  8. sorry you failed to address the issue of the dirty electoral process, the cronies who take all the money that SHOULD be used for development, the fact that inflation is sky high (hence why people are still poor, you work 18 hours a day for peanuts), and the lack of free media (that's what i meant by uneducated - there was no "real" news challenging the BN). also you didn't address the real issue of your article - should students just lead a good life, play around, hang out in cybercafes? good luck to them when they graduate and suddenly have to face reality. anyway, after 4 posts i think my time is done - you have not made any solid arguments and have proven not worthy of debating with. cheers and good luck.

  9. Just because I failed to address the issue of dirty "electoral process" and you ended this debate? That is ridiculous. For your information, I was carried away by the thing I was talking about and I forgot to explain it. By the way, this is how you are judging people and even your own government. You don't see the good side about it, and you always judge a person from the bad thing he does ONLY. Typical. Good luck to you too.

    1. Sugar and Coffee- you should get your head out of your behind because it sounds like you're talking through your arse. Sorry I can't think of anything nice to say about your thoughts despite Chia's valiant efforts to make you at least peep outside of your arse.

      In the years of the 'M' dynasty- things were put in place to favour the ruling party. Powers usurped from the Rulers, Judiciary rigged-VK Lingam case- with video evidence also cannot stick that bugger in jail.
      Police are now just tools used to intimidate people.

      Learn words like Gerrymandering. Why States closely contested can be swung when you redraw borders, move people around, creates extra seats for yourself. Why these states have only 7000 voters compared to others that have more than 100K. Ask yourself why in the last election there were more votes for the opposition but BN still won?

      Those days were days of fear of 513 but now that fear is no more. It's not about race politics. It's about the abuse of power when the media is owned by the govt. which at best is anodyne but outright lying to the cows and sheep who have no internet access.

      My apologies for the harsh words because I can't go over to give you a slap to wake you up.

    2. Mr Stan Chung, although the management of elections in Malaysia have several weaknesses in this country but in fact the opposition party can still win. Thus the administration of elections in Malaysia until the year 2008 the opposition party can still capture the 5 states, one territory and managed to reduce the House of Representatives to two-thirds did not achieve the goal as usual won by the ruling party.
      Please compare with the elections from other countries including our immediate neighbors in the non-government party can not be represented in the hall at all. The victor of the opposition party would be charged with various charges and taken to court. The court should punish them wrong and cannot take their place in the hall. Some are allowed to enter but do not dare speak. You could not reported in the media. Some opposition groups established in the ruling party. This is a political farce. In the recent past elections, there were plenty pressure applied by the Government concerned. Because of the number of opposition candidates who won very small.
      Unfortunately, there are in Malaysia-based party from the party this neighboring country that would like to also receive examples of neighboring countries. As the party in neighboring countries, at first promise made to establish a good and fair government. When the only people set up the trust of government is far from guaranteed. It was no specific restriction in this country of freedom that is found in Western countries. This restriction is necessary for prevention of chaos occurs.
      In the 1969, campaigns are fully allowed for 6 weeks. In the campaign, political parties use race to attract support. Government parties even had to use racial issues. Country-reply on this issue in the campaign caused tensions between races. With the bleeding took place on May 13. To reduce the possibility of burning up the campaign, it reduced the time to campaign. After all the opposition parties to campaign all the time. Assembly meeting in opposition more often than the ruling party. Such freedom in Malaysia.
      There is no reason why the demonstration to be held in the country. Representative of the opposition of so many people. If the study should made applicable laws and election management, opportunities abound in the halls to raise and discuss these matters. But these opportunities are not fully utilized. But instead the demonstration to be held. What is its purpose? Clean elections or try demonizing the government party?

      So I am pretty sure you need to understand that before talking whatever crap you are talking up there? I see you also use violence in the way you argue with someone which shows that you might have some issue that need to be "fixed" in your head.
      You don't slap a person to wake them up from whatever you are trying to wake that person from. Instead you have to show them evidence and lessons of what happens.

      Sorry if I say something wrong. Have a nice day

  10. https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/p480x480/582017_394171377290508_115170465190602_1158393_488955506_n.jpg

  11. The recent Bersih demonstration in which the demonstrators are obviously violent has given rise to the accusation of police brutality. Even the pictorial and video evidence shows that the police were violently attacked by the demonstrators have not stopped the Bar Council from accusing the police for brutality.
    There were it is believed 250,000 demonstrators i.e 250 times more than the police. They were violent. They broke the barriers set up by the City Hall to stop the demonstrators from going into the Merdeka Square. Obviously from the video clips and pictures the demonstrators not only broke the barriers but attacked, literally attacked the police who were tasked to keep the demonstrators from breaking the barriers. They chased police cars, shattered the windscreen and overturned it. They kicked a policeman who had fallen on the ground!

  12. In fact, sugar and coffee has a good point. The objective of Bersih is to demand that elections be cleaner and fairer. But is this the real objective? I think not. Malaysian election has been more clean than those in the authoritarian countries where result have been obviously fixed. There would always be 99.9% of the votes going to the government party or the president. If at all the opposition were to win, it would get at best 10% of the seat contested. After that the opposition would be prevented from taking their places in the legislature.
    But in Malaysia there has never been an election, whether at state or federal levels when the opposition had not won a substantial number of seats. In fact whole states may be lost to the opposition. And no matter how the government party tried, it just could not wrest Kelantan from the opposition
