Thursday 9 February 2012

Personality Questions

Okay, I'm gonna ask you people few questions that has something to do with your personalities. Okay lets cut it short here. Every question I'm gonna ask, the answers have to come up right from your heart or brain. So once you see the question, the first thing that comes up from your brain or heart THATS THE ANSWER! Ok? Here Goes the Questions as Below :

  • You are about to go for a hike (hiking), what is the first animal that comes in your mind that you want to bring along with you?
  • Once you going up the hill with the animal you have chose, whats the first animal you see in the hill or mountain or whatever?
  • You continue going up the hill, and half way up there you saw a Golden Key. Will you take it?
  • You keep going, and you saw a house, is the door of the house Open or Close?
  • Anyway, you kept on going into the house and you saw a fridge and on top of the fridge there is a vase, How many flowers are there in the vase?
  • You opened the fridge and there is Mineral Water, Coke and Booze/Beer, which one you prefer?
  • You went in and look surrounding the house and you saw a dining table, What shape isit? Circle, Oval, Rectangle or Square?
  • How many chairs are there at the dining table?
  • The animal represents your personality
  • The animal represents your partner's personality in life
  • The key shows how well you will take an opportunity. If you took the key, you are good.
  • If the door is Open, it shows that when you are in love, your heart is still Open for another person and if its closed, its the other way round.
  • The number of flowers on the vase represents the number of people you love in life including your parents and so on.
  • The drinks shows how sexually active are you. From low to high- mineral water, coke and booze
  • The shape of the dining table represents the decision making. If its something with sharp edge e.g rectangle that means your decision most of the time is fixed. If its circle, your decision can change anytime.
  • The number of chairs represents the number of kids you will have in life.
That's All for now and stay in touch for more! Have a good day!

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