Monday 28 May 2012

Facebook Has Taken My Life Away!

Facebook Addiction Disorder (FAD) has taken the life of 350,000 people. More than 69% of them are women. Don't let it catch you; know more and prevent more.

he 24-year-old Marion (not a real name) wakes up to find out her aunt’s cousin’s daughter’s newborn grandson pictures on Facebook. She goes for bath still giggling on her hilarious preschool friend’s status. Marion then decides to have PopTart for lunch, while checking out her Facebook’s friends on her iPhone.
Marion spends her weekends on Facebook. She does not hang out. She sleeps late checking her Facebook, and wakes up to it again. She is comfortable of this routine, but the opposite way of her body weight. She has gained five pounds in the past two weeks; she can no longer fit to her favorite strapless black dress.
“I don’t really hang out on weekends anymore. It’s okay that I don’t go out with my close friends. I still get to chat with them through Facebook. I, however, worry about my weight. I have started but it never seemed to work.”
Marion clearly suffers from Facebook Addiction Disorder (FAD). The disorder can turn to be extremely dangerous.
What is Facebook Addiction Disorder?
Psychologist Joanna Lipari explains FAD symptoms include losing night sleep over the website, spending the entire night checking it, then becoming tired the next day. She adds ignorance towards responsibilities will occur the next day. Lipari also says FAD sufferers spend more than an hour a day in Facebook, whereas average people spend only half an hour a day on it. In extreme cases, Lipari includes stresses and anxieties when one cannot log in to Facebook.
Another psychologist Dr. Michael Fenichel describes it as a mental disorder in which its usage overtakes one’s daily life.

What are the effects?
Obesity. FAD sufferers prefer sitting in front of their computer screens to exercising. No more spaghetti straps ladies!
No social life. Sufferers will prefer Facebook to hanging out.
No privacy. FAD sufferers will update statuses about their whereabouts, statuses, etc.
Looks tired every morning. They sleep late at night on the website. Remember, concealer cannot cover your eye bags the whole day.
"It's okay if I don't go out with my close friends, I still get to chat with them through Facebook..."

How to overcome FAD?
Reduce Facebook tracking. Do not stay on it for more than half an hour.
Hang out! Go for a day out with your girls, and spend a little time on interesting activities for example lipstick shopping, or even a waltz class.
Get a phone without Internet feature. It may look outdated, but it helps!

Let’s start eliminating FAD!
If you think you suffer from FAD, start helping yourself with few ways provided.
If FAD catches your loved ones, or your friends, provide helps and supports them.
Lastly, when it has gotten too far, consult to a psychologist

Credits to Gavriella Tjandra

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